Sorry this post is so late. Life got in the way. Thanks for understanding.
We're finishing our deep dive in the Five Most Important Sales Questions. We've determined that budget is the most important question, decision criteria is the hardest to get a straight answer to; who else are you involving in the decision is the most sensitive and where they are in their decision process is the primary driver of your sales tactics. But,
5. Where are "you" in their decision process...
...can mean the difference between you selling them or making them sell you. If you're early (or better yet, first) then the normal tactics you've developed can be applied. If you're late, then all the best tactics for selling won't work. You may have to resort to having them sell you.
So, what does that mean? If you find out you're late to the game, all the positioning of your unique value will be viewed as defensive. Everything you say or do will be met with the proverbial, "yeah, ok, but that is no different than the other Nth companies who want my business". So, if you're really honest with yourself you'll admit that you're behind and playing catch up. You can't win because the deck is already stacked against you. For every minute lost trying to go through the normal motions with this prospect, your next big sale is being positioned away from you by the person who got there before you.
If you've qualified the prospect with the other four questions and you truly believe your solution is their last, best hope for success, then you're left with no alternative but to make them sell you on why you should continue to fight what appears to so obviously be a losing battle. This may sound counter intuitive, but I have used it many times and I can assure you it works.
How does this work? One key thing to remember, if you know you're late then so does your prospect. So, you have nothing to lose by saying something like,
- "hey, I think we both know I'm late to the game, so if you were me, would you even bother to keep trying?" Or,
- "given how late we are to the game, and given that all of us competing for your business can deliver about 85-90% the same things, what is the 10-15% you REALLY want me to focus on so we're not wasting each other's time? Or,
- "you know, if you think you've already made your decision or at least have seen and heard all you need to, then it's perfectly OK to tell me and we can call it day".
Now I know these may sound weird, but if you say them with true sincerity and transparency, the prospect will appreciate it and most likely give you an opening you could drive a truck through. If you try and fake it or are not truly vulnerable to the possible outcome, then the prospect will see through you, right to your competitor.
But remember, if you go looking for the "no" then you have to be prepared to take it. But, if you're truly late to the game, then unless you are delusional, you've lost before you start so you may as well start at the end; and have them sell you on why you should continue selling to them.
NOTE: If you want to learn the most powerful "late to the game" approach ever, then email me with your contact information and I will share it in a brief phone call. Sharing it in an email is not an option because the effectiveness lies equally in the delivery as well as the message. The only condition is that if you use it, you will let me know how it worked.
Skip -
Great series on the 5 most important Sales Questions in the sales process. You could have changed the titles from "most important" to "required", or even something along the lines that if you aren't asking these, you'll learn too late why the sale got derailed. And I have seen it work from the other side of the equation...Managers and Executives want the best for their organization, but may not have done all their homework to make sure they can make the acquisition happen to help them continue to lead their organization.
Posted by: Dntyoung | August 22, 2012 at 10:42 AM